
Who can become a member?

Membership of DISA is open to any person who is employed by a company, organisation, a non-decision-making Government department and is responsible for, or contributes to, the implementation of UK Government and/or CNI security requirements.

Membership of DISA is personal to the member. On departure from a security appointment, membership ceases and cannot be assumed by either the company or another individual.

The primary benefit of membership of DISA is the opportunity to share experiences and learn from other security personnel and like-minded individuals. In addition, DISA provides collective representation of its members to various official bodies and associated Government agencies.

What are the benefits?

All members of DISA will receive the following benefits:

        Contact information for various MOD and Government departments.

≡        Discounted rate for a range of security training relating to the security industry.

≡        Access to the DISA website members area which contains up to date information on pertinent security related matters.

≡        Access to the online directory of members.

≡        Access to Association special interest groups, providing specialised knowledge and advice.

≡        Virtual and face-to-face meetings, which provide educational presentations and an opportunity to meet other DISA members.

≡        The opportunity to attend the Annual General Meeting, Conference, and formal dinner where keynote speakers give presentations on current and future issues.

≡        An opportunity to discuss and socialise with DISA members and guests.

How to Join?

To apply for membership of DISA please complete our application found HERE.

Membership costs £60.00 per annum (plus an initial £50.00 administration fee) and is charged on a pro-rata basis. The membership year runs from January to December.

An invoice will be sent out upon approval of application therefore please do not send any payment with your application.

Upon receipt of payment, you will be granted access the member’s area of the website. You will also be sent a 'New Member' welcome pack containing a badge and other useful documents.

For further information please contact